To understand Myofascial Release, you first need to understand fascia. Fascia is a tough connective tissue that spreads three-dimensionally throughout the body from head to foot, without interruption. It plays an important role in keeping us moving freely, without pain, and helps give structure and support to our soft tissue. It gives us our shape- of our organs, muscles, body structure, etc like spider-web matrix-like packaging.
Most importantly it acts like a fiber optic network, capable of sending information throughout the entire body instantaneously. This information helps our body respond to its environment accordingly; It even lets us know when we have been injured and when our body needs to be repaired. There has been a large amount of recent scientific research that is now verifying what John F. Barnes has been teaching for 50 years!
When we are injured, our fascia responds by binding down around the injured area, in order to protect it. After we heal, the fascia should return to its normal, healthy state: soft, flexible and capable of gliding along the surrounding soft tissue. Many times however, the fascia stays tight and dehydrated which in turn 'glues' itself to the surrounding muscle, bone, nerve or other soft tissue. This can create painful and restricted movement as well as seemingly unrelated symptoms like nerve pain and/or pain in other areas of the body. This is equivalent to 2000 pounds of pressure on sensitive tissues (think blood vessels, nerves, etc). Fascial restrictions do not show up on medical tests such as MRI's, X-ray’s, Ultrasounds, blood tests, etc and because of the confusing nature of the symptoms can be difficult to diagnose through traditional medical testing.
On top of all the structural involvement, restrictions can also send the body into a flight or fight response, eliciting all the symptoms associated with it: anxiety, muscle tension, digestion issues and so on. Our pain frequently has an emotional component as well because fascia responds to emotional tension in the same way it does physical.